Duel Buggy

This car appears in the sample vehicles section of Steve jackson Games CarWars Compendium.

Item Weight
Compact 1,300 400 -10 max load: 3,700
Heavy Chassis --- 200 --- max load + 10% (4,070 lbs)
Off Road Suspension --- 4,500 --- HC = 2
Medium Power Plant 700 1,000 4 DP: 8, PF: 1,400
4x OR solid tires 320 2,400 --- HC +1 off-road, DP:
Driver 150 --- 2 DP: 3, no armor
1 Space Turret 1 (-1)
Machine Gun 200 1,500 1 Dam: 1d, to hit: 7, DP: 3, shots: 20, in turret
Multi Fire Rocket 150 450 2 Dam: 1d*, to hit: 9, DP: 3, shots: 1, front
Bruchcutter ---
Car Blades ---
Spoiler ---
Targeting Computer ---
Front: 30
Right: 25
Left: 25
Back: 25
Top: 17
Under: 12

Totals 4,000 lbs $13,000 spc left

HC: 2 (3 off road)
accl: 10 mph/turn
top speed: 120 mph