Wild Stallion

Item Weight
Heavy Cycle 350 400 -7 max load: 1300
Off Road Suspension --- 1,200--- HC = 2
Super Trike Power Plant 250 5,1003 Platinum Catalyst/Super Conductor
DP: 6, PF: 1,380
2x PR OR tires 60 480--- HC +1 offroad, DP: 9
Cyclist 150 --- 2 DP: 3
Body Armor 10 250 --- DP: 3
Cycle Windshell 50 500 --- HC +1 @ >= 60 mph,top speed +10%, DP: 2
Windshell Armor 50 225 --- 9 points LRFP armor
Front: 11
Back: 11


sloped: -1 to be hit
Cycle Wheel Guards 20 100 --- DP: 5, hit on 1-5/6
Light Laser, pulsed 200 4,500 1 to hit: 6 (4), dam: 1d+1, DP: 2, in back
Hi-Res Targeting Computer --- 2,500 --- to hit: +2
Autopilot Software --- 2,500 --- +1 HC
Anti-lock Brakes --- 1,000--- no dam from rapid decel,
-D1 from road hazard
Heavy Duty Brakes --- 200--- +5 mph decel maneuvers
HD Shock Absorbers 10 800 --- road hazards -D1
No-Paint Windshield --- 1,000 ---
Surge Suppressor --- 250 ---
Radar Jammer --- 3,000 ---
Totals 1,300 lbs $ 0 spc left
Side Car
Item Weight
2 space CTS 450 2,500 -2 max load:
PR OR tire 30 240--- HC +1 offroad, DP: 9
Jettison Joining --- 300 --- requires firing action
WGM, AP 100 3,000 1 to hit: 6, dam: 3d+3, DP: 2
WGM, AP 100 3,000 1 to hit: 6, dam: 3d+3, DP: 2
Totals lbs $ 0 spc left

HC: 4 (5 @ >= 60 mph)
accl: 15 mph/turn
top speed: mph

Car design by Bruce McLaren Last update 25 May 99