Bruce's Radio Control Plane Page

This page will continually be in flux, along with my collections of planes. Let me know if it helps or entertains.

Current Flying Favorites


AUW: 24.8 oz
Wingspan: 36 in
Power: 3 series 2200mAh LiPo, CastleCreationsPheonix 35, Mega 16/15/7, 9x6
22A, rpm
This is a nice flying airplane. I am using it to learn some areobatics. It built very easily. The bottom of the plane is black, making it very easy to orient in the air.


Wingspan: 55"
Power: 14xGP3300, Castle Creations Phoenix-80, AstroFlight 25 Geared, 13x8.
27.8A, 15,4V, 425W, 7,300 rpm.
An ARF from plans in QuietFlyer. I recovered the wing so I could see it. It flys nice. 


Wingspan: 42"
Power: 8xCP1300, Castle Creations Pheonix-25, Mega16/15/5, 7x4
14A, 9V, 125W, 13,000 rpm
I went with the medium clipped wing. I thought the color scheme would be clever and visible (blue checks on bottom, reflective silver on top). I was wrong and recovered the whole thing, black on the bottom, flourescent yellow on top. 

I won some raffle stuff at WingFest 05.1.


Gary Wright
Wingspan: 40"

AUW: 41.1 oz
Power: 8xELITE3600, Castle Creations Phoenix-80, Mega ACn22/20/3, 8x8E
50 A, 8 V, 400 W, 10,230 rpm (155W/lb)

AUW: 32.8 oz
Power: 8xCBP2500A, Castle Creations Phoenix-80, Mega ACn22/20/3, 8x8E
40A, 7.1 V 300 W, 9,500 rpm (150 W/lb)

This plane is great.  I've flown it once with each battery pack, and it is fast, handles nice, and is fun.  I like it. 

Hot Cat

Garrison Areodrome
Power: 8xCBP1150, Castle Creations Pheonix-25, Mega16/15/3, 6x5
I bought this ready built from EAM. It is smooth through the air, but I have the aileron throws set to barely moving. Pretty fast for a survivable EPP plane. I have tested its survivablity. 

Electric Gentle Lady

Power: 8xCP1300, , Speed 500, : , 13x
Glen ? made this nice plane. It is not like anything else I fly. I sometimes enjoy tossing this up and letting it fall down slowly for 15 minutes or so. Very relaxing.
Foamie Ribbon Combat Planes

We picked them at DEAF '05 from the 2DogsRC guys, and thought they looked like fun.
AUW: 9.6 oz
Power: 2S1050, GWS ICS-300E J, 5.5:1? gear box, 9x6
6.4 A, 6.4 V, 42 W, 4,800 rpm (70 W/lb) (Not a fresh battery)

It flies OK.  I plan on upgrading to a brushless motor. 


"Glen's" Airplanes

Ninja Pickle

Own Design
Wingspan: 72"
Power: 6x3000, Castle CreationsPhoenix-80, Mega , 7x5
This plane was meant as a trainer to replace the then not available Push-E-Cat. It sort of fulfills that job, but it's a bit too sensitive to make a real trainer. I kept on upping the power to get it to fly well, until now it's a bit overpowered. 

ninjapickle_1 ninjapickle_2


Power: 8xCP1300, Castle Creations Pheonix-25, Mega16/15/5, 7x5
A, rpm
This is Glen's combat plane. 
Unicorn1_1 Unicorn1_2 Unicorn1_3
Glen combated at Wing Fest 05.2.


Park Zone
Power: ???
A, rpm
This is basically an underpowered slow stick packaged as a toy. Glen enjoys it and has learned some flying with it. It can only fly if the wind is less than 10mph. 

On the building table

Tempest Mk. V

Ron Daniels
Power: 10xCBP2000, AXI 2820/12.
Wattage Beechcraft Staggerwing


Former Planes that will be missed

Twin Star

Power: 8xRC2400, Castle Creations Pegasus-35, 2xSpeed480, gear box, 7x?
I managed to destroy two of these planes. I used the second one as a tail dragger take-off and landing trainer. It was a good plane, but remember to use locktite on the gear boxes if you install them and watch out for the long aileron servo cables picking up noise from the long parallel motor power cables. Without the kit decals and with the oversized wheels, this may have been the ugliest Twin Star to ever fly.


Garrison Areodrome
This has got to be the greatest trainer ever kitted. I nosed it full power into concrete and flew it again right away. I made many beginner mistakes and got to fly again immediately so I would learn not to make them again. Pole Cat Airplane Works is selling it now.

Zagi 400X

Trick RC
Power: 10xCP1300, Castle Creations Phenonix 35, Mega 16/15/4, 7x?
Michelle did the cool dragon design on this. I fought it through two fun years of combat.

The artist and her artwork.


Power: 8xCP1300, Castle Creations Pheonix 35, Mega 16/15/2, 6x?
This was a rocket sled on rails. The batteries weighed too much for the wings, but when it was flying, it was flying. And when it crashed, there weren't any pieces big enough to salvage. 

Former Planes that won't be missed


Power: 10xCP1700, Astro 35G
I bought this from EAM because I like the look of biplanes. It was designed for wet fuel and I never got the conversion right. I fought with this model for three years and was glad when I finally fatally crashed it.

A close-up of the extensive nose modifications needed to fit the battery and balance.


Not really a bad plane. I bought it to compete in a pylon crawl that didn't happen. It just never excited me. I eventually launched it with the rudder controls reversed. I think Chris still has the wing.

This page by Bruce McLaren. Last update 12 Apr 06.