Michelle Comments:
The basic ideas include arather straight hanging front, usually with lots of ruffles ordecorations.The bustle in back is made both from a wire bustle underwear thing and alot of fabric. I have several books and catalogs that include not onlythepictures but suggestions and even patterns to copy or order. These booksalso include lots of good information on the early hoop styles for anyonewho is interested. There's even men's stuff.
I still intend to have sewing sessions if anyone is interested. They willbe at my house on an evening during the week when we don't have rehearsal.I know my house is a little out of the way and I am open to suggestionsforother places. If anyone knows they will want my help sewing this yearplease let me know as soon as you can. My sewing pile is growing.
McCall's pattern # 2232 looks like a good skirt / corset pattern. The
bodice would needsomething very differently (obviously). --Thanks to Jen
for finding it!!
pictures at these sites. I wish they were in color.
Great pictures to
get ideas from!!http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Garden/4660/1880_90.html
a web site for a company that
does patterns for bustles and gowns toyour body measurements!
to everyone who has sent links (especially Kim). See ya'll soon
This page by Bruce McLaren Last Updated16 Sept 99